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The Importance of Giving

There are many privileges of participation at Good Shepherd. We engage in powerful worship, compelling educational programs for all ages, service to our neighbor,s and in the joy of sharing our gifts. The privilege of offering our financial support—and the support of our time, energies and talents—is key to who we are and what we believe in.

We encourage one another to examine our lives and to make a clear choice about placing Good Shepherd at the top of our giving list. This priority of giving is a reflection of our transformation in Christ, our willingness to challenge the priorities of our culture and our commitment to each other.

Good Shepherd makes a difference in our lives and in the lives of those we serve. The amount we each give is a deeply personal decision and will vary according to circumstances. Our hope is that all who have a connection to this community will carefully consider not just the amount of their financial pledge but also the percentage of income it represents.