Annual Giving
Why Give?
At Good Shepherd, we recognize that financial stewardship is a vital component of a balanced spiritual life. Each fall, the Stewardship Committee sponsors a pledge drive, asking parishioners to make a financial commitment for the following year. These commitments help the Vestry build a budget that will support our mission, staff, building complex and the financial gifts we make to our diocese, city and world. Annual pledges support everything we do at Good Shepherd, from making possible our liturgical and music offerings, to paying salaries, to supporting our outreach ministries. Many companies have matching funds for charitable donations.
How Much to Give?
Determining the amount of your annual pledge—your tithe to the church—is between you, your family, and God. When we pledge we are making an offering of a portion of our wealth that we give to God’s work. Historically, the tithe meant the first 10th of the harvest that was offered up to God. In Exodus, God tells Moses: “Thou shalt not delay to offer the first of thy ripe fruits.” Today, a tithe is 10 percent of your income and we urge all the people of Good Shepherd to work toward this goal. However, this can be difficult to achieve so we invite you to start the journey where you are comfortable. We simply ask each parishioner to make a pledge that is both responsible and significant based on his or her financial situation. We also encourage you to compare your pledge to Good Shepherd with your other charitable giving, and to consider whether this is in line with the importance of your faith and values.
When to Give?
A pledge is what you commit to donate to Good Shepherd in the coming fiscal year. On In-gathering Sunday, bring your pledge card to church, or if you can’t make it that Sunday, mail it or send an e-mail to In addition, pledge amounts can be changed at any time should your personal financial circumstances change. Simply contact Nicole Seiferth ( or go to the online giving page.
Pledges are fulfilled on a calendar year basis, beginning January 1, and you may fulfill your pledge in as many payments as you wish throughout the year. Pledges can be paid in a single gift or transfer of stock; through electronic fund transfers from your bank; online through our Good Shepherd website; or throughout the year by placing cash or checks in any service’s offering plate.