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New to Good Shepherd? What to Expect

What times are regular Sunday services? Are the services different?

We have three services on Sunday. At each service we celebrate the Holy Eucharist, also known as Mass or the Lord’s Supper. This is our principal act of worship in the Episcopal Church. Our services are conducted according to our Book of Common Prayer (the red book you’ll find in the pews). Our morning services are held in the church, our main worship space (called the Nave), while our afternoon service is held in the chapel.

The 8:00 a.m service is Rite I, which uses traditional language. There is no music or choir at this service and follows the Book of Common Prayer for the primary Order of Service.

The 10:30 a.m. service is Rite II, using more modern, contemporary language. This service has music year round and, during the school year, we have a choir.  The Order of Service is found in a printed bulletin each week following the liturgy laid out in the Book of Common Prayer.  Hymns are found in the blue hymnals in the pew racks. Any hymns not found in the hymnals are printed directly in the bulletin.

The 5:00 p.m., in our chapel, is also a Rite II Eucharist. This is an informal service, with guitar music and you are encouraged to come “as you are.” The service uses the Book of Common Prayer for its primary Order of Service and its own song book for hymns.

Does Good Shepherd offer any services during the week?

We celebrate the Eucharist at three different services during the week.

On Tuesdays at 10:30 a.m. in the chapel, we have a Rite II Eucharist, accompanied by prayers for healing and anointing.  (During construction, this service is held in the church.)

At 5:30 p.m. on Wednesdays, we offer a Reconciliation Eucharist service in the chapel.  This service is adapted from the Reconciliation Eucharist service offered at Coventry Cathedral in Coventry, England, allowing us to experience the richness of our liturgical traditions from a different part of the Anglican Communion, of which we are a part as an Episcopal Church.  This service is also livestreamed to our Facebook page.

On Thursdays at 5:00 p.m., we celebrate a Rite I Eucharist in the chapel.

What about nursery or childcare? Are children welcome in the services?

Children are welcome at any of our services.  During the 10:30 am Sunday service, nursery and childcare is provided for infants and toddlers. During the school year, we offer Godly Play Sunday school for children in preschool kindergarten through 5th grade.  Godly Play begins begins at 10:30 am in the Christian Education building (ask an usher for directions) and children return to the church just before communion.  Childcare is available during the 9:15 a.m. Sunday adult Sunday School gatherings throughout the school year.

What time is Sunday school?

9:15 am for adults; 10:00 am for youth; 10:30 am for children.

Coffee & Conversations is a Bible study and faith discussion class which meets in the Lupton Reading Room. Occasionally guest speakers are invited for special series but most weeks this is a time for coffee, conversation, and reflection about how our faith and holy scriptures inform our lives.

Adult Forum meets roughly quarterly and offers various classes on contemporary issues in our community and the world, asking the question, “Where does our faith intersect with the world around us and how do we, as Christians, respond?”  The Forum meets in the Library.

Lectionary Class looks at the Lessons of the Day, offering lively and informal discussion of the three lessons heard in our worship service. The Lectionary Class currently meets in the parish hall.

Children in preschool through 5th grade are offered Godly Play, an interactive curriculum which encourages participants to engage and interact with the Bible stories, deepening and enriching their understanding of God, God’s word and the children’s own relationships with God and God’s people.

Youth in grades 6-12 have Bible study, confirmation classes, and prayer and fellowship time with their peers.  During the school year, Youth also serve as acolytes during the 10:30 am service.

Where do I park?

There is parking in front of the church in the circular driveway and in the lot along Franklin Road.  We have a larger parking lot across the street from the church on Scenic Highway and Franklin Road.

Click here to fill out our newcomer’s welcome form.

Other Frequently Asked Questions

If I am a member of another Episcopal Church, how can I join?

If you would like to transfer your membership to Good Shepherd, simply call or email the parish office ( or (423) 821-1583) and we will contact your present church and ask for your membership to be transferred.

What if I have been baptized in another church, other than the Episcopal Church?

We believe one baptism is sufficient. A second baptism is not required to become a member of the Episcopal Church. Please call the office at (423) 821-1583 to register the date and place of your baptism. You will then be a baptized member of Good Shepherd, and be able to participate in all programs and ministries. You will not, however, be eligible to serve in or vote on an elected position (Vestry or diocesan committee) until you are confirmed or formally received into the church.

What is Confirmation and how do I become confirmed?

Confirmation is a mature affirmation of the promises made on your behalf at Baptism. Confirmation is a sacramental rite in which persons who have been duly prepared make a mature, public affirmation of their faith and a commitment to the responsibilities of Baptism and receive the laying-on-of-hands by the bishop. The Inquirers’ Class, an adult confirmation class taught by the Rector, includes topics such as church history, The Book of Common Prayer, how the Bible came to be, living the Christian life, and instructed Eucharist.  Youth are offered their own confirmation classes every other year, taught by the Youth Director.

What if I have been confirmed in another church other than an Episcopal Church?

If you have been confirmed in another denomination (ie. Roman Catholic, Lutheran, Orthodox), having received the laying-on-of-hands from a bishop, please speak to any of the clergy. They will arrange for you to be received into the church by our diocese’s bishop. Persons who wish to be received generally take the confirmation class as a refresher of their previous preparation, and as an introduction to the Episcopal Church. These classes take place in the spring, prior to the bishop’s visitation.

How can I become more involved at Good Shepherd?

Check the Grow and Connect sections of our website to learn more about fellowship, ministry, and outreach opportunities.  You may also contact Sandra Alagona, our Direcotr of Communications and Engagement at (423) 821-1583. She will be happy to talk with you and help you find a ministry, class, or fellowship group suited to your interests, needs, and time schedule.

Can I speak with a priest?

Most certainly! Call the church to either speak directly to a priest or to schedule an appointment. You can find the church’s contact details and clergy email addresses on the Contact Us page.

How can I keep up with the activities at Good Shepherd?

If you would like to receive our weekly e-newsletter, The Good News, you may subscribe using the form at the bottom of any page on this website, or on our Newsletters page.  If you’d like to receive our quarterly print newsletter, The Staff, please contact Sandra Alagona at or call her at (423) 821-1583.  We also encourage you to check out our events calendar!