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Print & E-Newsletters

Good Shepherd has two publications that help parishioners stay informed and connected with events happening in the parish and its community, and also with what binds us together – faith, faith formation, and participation in this faith community.

The Staff is Good Shepherd’s print magazine. It is currently published quarterly (following the liturgical seasons) under the editorship of Sandra Alagona, our Director of Communications and Engagement. If you’d like to submit an article for The Staff, please email us at

The Good News is our newest publication, a weekly and digital e-newsletter that connects readers to the most up-to-date information from the church, its clergy and staff.  It highlights on-going ministry activities as well as events happening in the community, the Diocese of East Tennessee, and the wider Episcopal Church.

Click the links below to access an issue of The Staff in PDF format.  To subscribe to The Good News, fill out the form at the bottom of this page.  To browse the archives of past editions of The Good News, click here.

Current issues of The Staff

2023 Archive issues of The Staff

Archive of The Good News

To view the archive of past editions of our weekly email, The Good News, click here.
 To subscribe to The Good News, please fill out and submit the form below.
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