Good Shepherd School Programs
School Year Program (September through May)
- Infants – ages 4 months to 1 year or until the end of the school year.
- Transitions – ages 12 months and walking (age spread determined each year by enrollment)
- Groovy Toos- older ones and the very youngest twos. Typically, the children in Groovy Twos don’t turn two until after the Tennessee deadline of August 15th. Since they are past the deadline, they will attend either Cool Twos or Super Twos the following school year, before moving on to Threes.
- Cool Twos – younger two-year-olds (age spread determined each year by enrollment)
- Super Twos – older twos (age spread determined each year by enrollment)
- Threes – age three by August 15
- Fours– when enrollment/ages necessitate- mixed group of four-year-olds
- Pre-K– age four by August 15
- Infants, Transitions, Cool Twos and Super Twos have a 9:00AM – 2:00PM schedule.
- The Three & Four-year-old and programs are from 9AM-12 Noon.
- An elective Lunch Bunch program for the Threes and Fours Classes are available from 12 Noon – 2PM for an additional charge. This includes Lunch, an Enrichment program each day, additional Activities and Center Time and more Outdoor Play.
- Pre K is a five-day, curriculum-rich program that runs from 9-2 PM. It includes both instruction and hands-on learning opportunities in Literature (Phonics, Reading and Writing), Math and Science. This program also utilizes the outdoor classroom experiences as well as indoor ones.
- Extended care hours are from 7:30-9AM and 2-6:00PM, year-round.
Summer Program (June, July & August)
A modified summer program is available from June through August. The program is from 9AM-2PM, with Extended Care available as well. We offer fewer age groupings, combining children in close age proximity, while maintaining the highest level of quality and encouraging fun, interactive opportunities among the children. The summer program has a greater focus on recreational activities, outdoor play and summer fun!