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Strengthening our Roots FY2024 Campaign

Giving to Good Shepherd

As we begin our annual stewardship campaign for 2024, Fr. Robert shares why he chooses to give to Good Shepherd.  

To pledge a gift to Good Shepherd for 2024, go to or stop by the church office to pick up a pledge card.

Join us for the celebration of this year’s stewardship campaign on Sunday, November 12, complete with a celebratory Jazz Mass at the 10:30 am service and reception immediately following!

Music in all videos: “Photo Album” by:

Giving back to God

Elizabeth Jones shares how giving to Good Shepherd is one way she responds to God.

Giving from gratitude

Lloyd Smith shares why she gives from her gratitude for relationships formed at Good Shepherd. 

Giving from gratitude

Krista Stein shares why Episcopal inclusivity inspires her to give to Good Shepherd. 

Giving born of love

Dusty Kent shares the many reasons why he and his family give to Good Shepherd, all born out of love.

Giving back to Good Shepherd

Laura Blackstone shares why she gives back to Good Shepherd out of gratitude for what she has received. 

Giving back to the community

Ashley Williams shares why she gives to Good Shepherd and the community Good Shepherd nourishes.

Giving to God

Ferne McDowell shares why her family gives to Good Shepherd so that they can to give back to God.

A world with more Good Shepherds

Susan Stein shares why Good Shepherd’s teachings inspire her to give.

Giving for future generations

Jeffery Wiese shares what inspires him to give for the future generations of Good Shepherd. 

Giving because I ~want~ to.

Davo DeVaney shares why Good Shepherd is always at the top of his list of ministries to support annually. 

Dear friends,

First of all, we, your 2023 Junior and Senior Vestry Wardens, want to take the opportunity to thank you for this extraordinary year. We have been privileged to witness firsthand the generosity and faithfulness of spirit that is Good Shepherd and that each of you bring to this sacred place. From coming together in times of grief or difficulty, supporting one another through illness and other hardships, to worshiping together on weekdays and Sundays, and enjoying one another’s fellowship at Shepherd’s Night Out, Supper Clubs, and Parish Camp, this is a community of extraordinary people doing their best to live out Jesus’s message to us to love God and one another. We are deeply grateful for you all.

As we look ahead to 2024, the two of us and our families, along with the rest of your Vestry, are prayerfully considering our pledges for the coming year and we invite you to do the same. All pledges, whatever their size, help Good Shepherd’s staff and Vestry develop the coming year’s budget, ensuring that we continue to be good stewards of your gifts. Your pledge makes Good Shepherd’s many ministries, programs, events, and outreach efforts possible.

Please consider returning your pledge card or pledging online at or via the QR code listed below as soon as possible. If you have any questions or would like to have a conversation with either of us, our contact information is listed below – please do not hesitate to reach out to either of us.

Thank you again for your generosity and for being part of the Good Shepherd church community. God Bless.


Davo DeVaney, Senior Warden
Jeffery Wiese, Junior Warden